POST COVID Pandemic telehealth & in-person OPERATIONS:
currently, we are providing our free behavioral healthcare services via (1) telehealth from Mon-Fri and (2) in-person on Wed & thu only. our physical offices are only open on wednesdays at present and closed to the public Mon, tue, thu and fri. When calling our main number, it is likely that no one will answer. Please leave a detailed message in our confidential general voicemail so we can return your call within 2 business days. If you are looking for a way to help others during this time, please donate via our donation page! Be safe. Be well. In community!
Serving youth and their families in East Oakland since 1976.
The Carl B. Metoyer Center for Family Counseling is a non-profit community based 501(c)3 counseling agency that provides no-cost, time-limited counseling and case management services to families in Alameda County, primarily in the East Oakland community.
CBMCFFC was incorporated in 1978, in response to the need for an alternative to incarceration for youth who present with acting out behavior, chronic truancy and running away from home. CBMCFFC addressed that need with a specialized counseling program for those youth and their families. In addition, to providing services to those youth, we also serve juvenile justice involved youth and their families. We offer crisis intervention, family counseling, truancy mediation, and case management services at no charge to families with youth 7-18 years old.
Feel free to contact us to set up an intake appointment, or use the contact form to inquire if our services are right for you and your loved ones.
9925 International Blvd. Ste 6
Oakland, CA 94603
➤ Mailing AdDress
PO BOX 13281 - PMB 204
Oakland, CA 94661
tel: (510) 562-3731 fax: (510) 562-3734
“ the change you wish to see in the world”
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Our Tax ID # is 94-2494663